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Comfort Tips During Pregnancy


Talk with your healthcare provider before using pain-relieving medicine at any time during your pregnancy.

Pregnant woman drinking bottled water.


First trimester tips 



  • Get up slowly. Eat a few unsalted crackers before you get out of bed.
  • Avoid smells that bother you.
  • Eat small bland low fat, light high-protein meals at frequent intervals.
  • Sip on water, weak tea, or clear soft drinks, like ginger ale. Eat ice chips.


  • Take naps when you can.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Accept help from others.
  • Practice good sleep habits, like going to bed and getting up at the same time each day. Use your bed only for sleep and sex.

Mood swings

  • Talk about your feelings with others, including other mothers.
  • Limit sugar, chocolate, and caffeine.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Do not skip meals.
  • Get regular exercise.


  • Get fresh air and exercise.
  • Relax and get enough rest.
  • Check with your healthcare provider before taking any pain medicines.

Lower Back Pain

  • Stay active with exercise and light physical activities such as walking.
  • Physical Therapy may help with stretches and exercises. Speak with your healthcare provider.
  • Wear comfortable, low-heeled (not flat) shoes.  Avoid high heels.
  • Do not lift heavy objects. If you must lift small objects do not bed at the waist or lift with your back.  Squat down and lift with your legs. 
  • Your healthcare provider may recommend some pain medications. Always consult your healthcare provider before taking any medications. 

Increased Urination

  • Beginning in your first trimester and as the baby continues to grow, you may feel like you are urinating all the time (increased frequency) and/or constantly have the sudden feeling or urge that you have to urinate (increased urgency).  Due to the changes in your body you may not be able to completely stop these changes.  However, some tips that might help include:
    • Avoid or limit drinks that are increase urination (diuretics) such as coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks like soda.
    • Do not hold it in.  If you have to empty your bladder do it as soon as you feel the need.  Holding it in can weaken the muscles in your pelvic floor. 
    • Do not stop drinking fluids and let yourself go thirsty.  It is important for you to stay hydrated.  However, to avoid frequent urination overnight, try drinking more fluids during the day and cutting back a few hours before going to bed.
    • If you develop pain or burning when you urinate, have blood tinged urine, or if you feel like you need to pee but feel like you can’t empty your completely (urinary retention), notify your healthcare provider.  You may need testing and treatment for a urinary tract infection.  


Second trimester tips

Here are some suggestions to help you cope:

  • To limit ankle swelling, sit with your feet raised or wear support hose.
  • If you have pain in your groin and stomach (round ligament pain), avoid sudden twisting movements.
  • For leg cramps, flexing your foot often brings immediate relief. You also may try massaging your calf in long, downward strokes, or stretching your legs before going to bed. Get enough exercise and wear shoes with flexible soles.


Third trimester tips


Reducing heartburn

  • Eat small, light meals throughout the day rather than 3 large ones.
  • Sleep with your upper body raised 6 inches. Do not lie down until 2 hours after you eat.
  • Do not eat greasy, fried, or spicy foods.
  • Avoid citrus fruits and juices.

Treating constipation

  • Eat foods high in fiber (whole-grain foods, fresh fruit and vegetables).
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Discuss other medicines (like docusate and psyllium) with your healthcare provider.

Taking care of your breasts

  • Avoid using harsh soaps or alcohol, which can cause excessive dryness.
  • Wear nursing bras. They provide more support than regular bras and can be used after pregnancy if you breastfeed.

Getting a good night’s sleep

  • Take a warm shower before bed.
  • Sleep on a firm mattress.
  • Lie on your side with one leg crossed over the other.
  • Use pillows to support arms, legs, and belly.
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