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Infant Colic

Crying is something that all babies do. In fact, it is considered normal for a healthy baby to cry up to 2 hours a day during the first few months of life. 

When a baby’s crying becomes excessive and occurs for no apparent reason, the condition may be described as colic. Doctors generally define colic as having the following criteria:

  • Occurring during a baby’s first few months of life
  • Crying that lasts for more than 3 hours at least 3 days of the week
  • Crying that is high-pitched, and that may be more intense and louder than usual 

It is not known for certain what causes colic. But experts do know that it is not a sign of your baby rejecting your or manipulating you, nor is it anything the parent is doing wrong. 

The healthcare provider will examine your baby to check for an underlying cause of the crying. If your baby is diagnosed with colic, no medical treatment is needed. The provider will talk with you about ways to calm and soothe your baby. He or she will also give you tips on how to cope with your baby’s condition and how to get support, if needed. 

In most cases, colic resolves after a baby is 4 months old. 

Home care

There are some specific things that you can do to help your baby and yourself until colic resolves. These are described below.

Feeding methods

  • Allow about 20 minutes for each feeding and about 2 hours between feedings.
  • Don’t feed your baby every time she/he cries. This would result in over-feeding.
  • Burp your baby after each 1-ounce of formula or each 5 minutes of breastfeeding.
  • Always hold the baby when feeding him/her. Don’t “prop the bottle” to feed an infant lying down: this can cause too much air swallowing.

Diet changes

  • If you are breastfeeding, try to adjust your own diet to eliminate caffeine (coffee, tea, and cola), chocolate, onions and garlic, milk and milk products or eggs.
  • Formula-fed infants may benefit from a change in formula. But don’t change formula without first discussing it with the provider. Too many changes can make colic worse.

Comforting your baby

  • Go to your baby soon after the crying starts. Determine if your baby is hungry, needs a clean diaper, or wants to be in a different position.
  • If this doesn’t help, then try to comfort your baby by calming or distracting him/her for a 20-minute period. Some babies respond better to soothing and others respond best to distracting methods.
  • Soothing: Hold your baby close to your body (consider a front baby-carrier) and walk or rock while talking softly to him/her. Or lay your baby tummy-down on your lap, supported with your hands, and rock your legs side to side. A warm bath, rocking cradles, and infant swings may also work.
  • Stimulating: Try bouncing motions, music, body contact, or change environments. Or take your baby out for a walk or car ride. This may help change your baby’s mood.
  • Swaddling: Wrap (swaddle) your baby snugly with a cloth or thin blanket. This may help prevent arm movements. It may also decrease awakenings from the startle reflex and may increase the amount of time your baby sleeps.
  • If your baby is still crying after 20 minutes of comforting, lay the infant in the crib and leave the room (but not your house).
  • Let your child cry for up to 20 minutes. Go back and start the cycle over as often as needed until your baby falls asleep. If you are consistent with this, it gives your baby a chance to learn ways of self-comforting (finger sucking, staring at hands, etc.).
  • NEVER shake your baby.

Support for Parents

  • Don’t take the crying personally. Your baby is not mad at you! You are not doing anything wrong.
  • Take a break. Caring for a baby with colic is very hard work. Find a caring babysitter, family member, or friend who can give you or your partner at least an hour a day for yourselves outside the home.
  • Join a parent support group to talk with other parents having similar problems.

Follow-up care

Follow up with your child’s healthcare provider, or as directed.

When to seek medical advice

Unless your baby’s healthcare provider advises otherwise, call the provider right away if:

  • Your baby is 3 months old or younger and has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. (Seek treatment right away. Fever in a young baby can be a sign of a serious infection.)
  • Your baby is younger than 2 years of age and has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) that lasts for more than 1 day.
  • Your baby has repeated fevers above 104°F (40°C).
  • Also call the provider right away if:
  • Your baby has an unusual change in her or her crying pattern or behavior.
  • Your baby is having trouble feeding, refusing to eat, or stops gaining weight.
  • Your baby has vomiting that won’t stop.
  • Your baby has ongoing diarrhea or constipation.
  • Your baby has blood in the stool or vomit (black or red color).
  • You suspect your baby has stomach pain. (For instance, your baby may keep drawing the legs up to the chest while crying.)
  • You feel you are losing your temper and are afraid you might harm your baby. 

     Shaking will NOT stop the crying and could cause serious harm to the baby's brain.



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